Neuroanesthesia – Logistics
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Who's Who?
- Rotation Education Director: Rebecca Kalman, M.D.
- Division Lead: Paul Alfille, M.D.
Case/Room Assignments
- Case assignments are made by Dr. Michele Szabo (for Wednesdays and Thursdays) and Dr. Bob Peterfreund (for Tuesdays and Fridays). Mondays are shared by both of them, and if they are away, Dr. Seun Johnson-Akeju and Dr. Greg Ginsburg help.
- If you have particular requests (or needs to meet ACGME minimum requirements), please contact them directly.
- While on Orthopedic Anesthesia, you take part in the regular Main OR call pool.
- We occasionally care for patients who require intra-operative MRI. This care is complex and a sophisticated understanding of how care proceeds in the MRI environment is imperative to ensure safety of patients and providers.
- You MUST complete Level 1 AND 2 MRI training on HealthStream as a PREREQUISITE to this rotation.
- If you are not on a partners computer, click here and follow the directions below.
- If it doesn’t say “Partners” or “MGH” at the top, then search for “Massachusetts General Hospital” under institution. Select the one with the Organization listed as “Partners HealthCare Enterprise.”
- Log in with your Partners username (e.g., “ds444”) and your HealthStream password (the default password is “abc123”).
- Click on “Catalog” at the top, and then search for “MRI.”
- The modules you should complete are titled “MGH PCS MRI Safety Level 1 Operating Room” and “MGH PCS MRI Safety Level 2 Operating Room”
- Save a screenshot or printout of the Certificates of Completion at the end of EACH of these modules.
- After completing the training, take your certificates to one of the MRI techs who sits outside of OR 86 and 87 during the day or Dr. Johnson-Akeju, so that you can complete the safety questionnaire. After that, they will add you to the list so that your badge will allow access to the MRI suite.
Weekly lectures take place each Tuesday in Lunder 4 break room from 6:30 – 7:15 AM.
ACGME / Program Requirements
- During residency, you are required to complete two months of neuroanesthesia.
- During residency, you must perform anesthetics for 20 intracerebral cases, including open and intracerebral endovascular.
- The majority of these cases should be open.